Hidalgo County Health Council
Hidalgo County Health Council, facilitated by the Center for Health Innovation (CHI) staff, is the leading organization for health planning at the county level. CHI staff coordinates Health Council efforts and activities. It engages community members to review health related data and set health priorities. Contact our office for details at info@chi-phi.org.
Visit our Facebook Page for all the latest information and efforts of our health council!
Tune in to Prevention LIVE!

Our weekly Facebook Live series shares information on how we can create a healthier and safer environment for our youth. Tune in on any of our programs’ Facebook pages for Prevention LIVE! English version airs Thursdays at 7PM.
Nuestra serie semanal de Facebook Live comparte información sobre cómo podemos crear un ambiente más saludable y seguro para nuestra juventud. ¡Sintonice nuestros programas para Prevencion en VIVO en nuestras páginas de Facebook! La versión en español se transmite los miércoles a las 7 p.m.