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We offer a broad range of trainings that support the long-term behavioral health and wellbeing of all New Mexicans. Together we can make things better.
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As New Mexico's public health institute we believe in – and deeply value – the power of community in creating wellbeing, resilience, diversity, inclusivity and equity. About CHI-PHI
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Grassroots Approach to Support Effective and Equitable Public Health Policy

We engage with communities, thought leaders and legislators to develop inclusive and equitable public and behavioral health policy for New Mexico.

Every community deserves high-quality health services, infrastructure, and economic development opportunities. This is a challenge for communities with small populations and limited resources. To sustain and improve vital systems such as health care, education and transportation, they need robust public programming to make up for small revenue streams. Yet these same communities often have no voice or visibility into the policy decisions that affect them. 

Because policy-making is typically centralized and urban-based, smaller communities have limited influence. Far from decision-makers, and less connected to political process, communities can find it difficult to be heard and included in important decisions that direct development funding.

We bring underrepresented issues to the decision-making table. We help create a policy environment in which communities can thrive and have a voice by advocating and promoting discourse at the local, state and national levels. Our programs and services offer a foundation for change – successful programs and services and community engagement, blended with thoughtful advocacy create a cycle of success and lasting sustainable change.