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We offer a broad range of trainings that support the long-term behavioral health and wellbeing of all New Mexicans. Together we can make things better.
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As New Mexico's public health institute we believe in – and deeply value – the power of community in creating wellbeing, resilience, diversity, inclusivity and equity. About CHI-PHI
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The New Mexico Community Data Collaborative (NMCDC) at the Center for Health Innovation (CHI) would like to thank you for participating in our annual Data User Needs Survey. Your feedback aids us in developing a wider range of data services and products intended to serve as many communities as possible.

Your responses will be kept secure, confidential, and will only be used internally; they will not be shared with any outside sources. In the event we publish results from this survey, the information will be anonymous, and you will not be personally identified in any way.

The survey link is found here: and is available until March 31st