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Good Samaritan Law protects people seeking aid for overdoses (Cibola-OSAP)

Saturday, August 31, 2019; Grants, NM:  No one should die of an overdose when help is a phone call away.  On this, National Overdose Awareness Day (August 31, 2019), Cibola – Office of Substance Abuse Prevention (Cibola-OSAP) wants to remind residents of the New Mexico Good Samaritan Law, which protects people calling for medical assistance, […]

Dream Makers Clubs expand to Cobre and Silver Highs

Friday, August 23, 2019; Bayard, NM: This year, High School students in Grant County have a chance to make their dreams of pursuing a career in the healthcare field come true. The Dream Makers Health Careers Club is now offered at Cobre and Silver High schools. The Clubs are designed to help students experience the […]

Academy preps teens for successful health care careers

Monday, July 22, 2019; Silver City, NM: The Teen Academy of Health Sciences (TAHS) had its largest graduating class to-date with 33 students from southwest New Mexico bypassing part of their summer vacation to jumpstart their future health care careers. “We learned more in the 3 weeks of the Academy than in a normal year-long […]

Local doctors educate future physicians

Friday, June 28, 2019; Silver City, NM: Simply stated New Mexico needs more doctors. The state has the oldest doctors’ population in the nation, with over one-third of practicing physicians over the age of 65, according to a Merritt Hawkins’ physician surveys. Also, New Mexico ranks ninth in the nation for doctor shortages in this […]

Drug Take Back Day a success in Doña Ana County

Monday, May 20, 2019; Las Cruces, NM: Doña Ana County residents safely disposed of 873 pounds of medications at the most recent National Drug Take Back Day held in April. National Drug Take Back Day is a twice annual opportunity for the anonymous disposal of unwanted, unused or expired medications, assuring that they do not […]

Feds fund effort to address opioid epidemic in southern New Mexico

Monday, May 27, 2019; Silver City, NM: The Center for Health Innovation will begin planning a coordinated response to the opioid epidemic in rural southern New Mexico counties thanks to a recently awarded grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The Center for […]

Grant County sets record for Drug Take Back Day

This news release was published in the Silver City Daily Press’ column “Wishing You Well”. The column is written by local health and wellness community groups to promote a better quality-of-life and access to resources in our community. Wednesday, May 8, 2019; Silver City, NM: Residents set a record for the largest amount of medications […]

UP! Coalition welcomes new program specialist

Monday, May 6, 2019; Las Cruces, NM: Unified Prevention Coalition for Doña Ana County (UP!) has welcomed a new face to the role of leadership, Alyssa Myrick. She’s a familiar face to the community, recently completing her internship to attain a bachelor’s degree in Public Health with the Coalition by coordinating the county-wide New Mexico […]

La Plata & Aldo Leopold Dream Makers are our future health professionals

Friday, May 3, 2019; Silver City, NM: Deziraye Salgado has her future all sewn up thanks to her participation in the Dream Makers Club where she learned how to suture wounds. The La Plata Middle School 8th Grader wants to pursue a career in health care after a year-long whirlwind adventure through the career opportunities […]