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As New Mexico's public health institute we believe in – and deeply value – the power of community in creating wellbeing, resilience, diversity, inclusivity and equity. About CHI-PHI
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FORWARD NM Summer Academies celebrate success

August 8, 2017; Silver City, NM: When a teenager says, “I want to be a doctor”, how seriously do you take their statement? FORWARD NM not only takes them seriously, the program is designed to make teenagers’, and college students’, dreams of a career in health care come true. To make those career dreams a […]

One Month Rural

Medical student Michelle Blumenschine discusses her rural rotation in Southwest New Mexico, which was arranged by CHI’s FORWARD NM program. “While I regularly witnessed disparities in access to healthcare and staggering rates of mental illness, I was astounded by the pride and passion of the community and the effectiveness of local healthcare providers. I took […]

A Day’s Harvest

July 11, 2017, Lordsburg, NM:  Did you know that Healthy Kids Healthy Communities Hidalgo County (HKHC) is part of the Center for Health Innovation family of programs?  HKHC sponsors the community garden and orchard at the Hidalgo County Fair Grounds. HKHC works with kids and families to grow fresh vegetables and fruit, which is donated […]

SMASH Academy students set test score record

June 15, 2017, Silver City, NM:  Twelve high school freshmen from southwest New Mexico have raised the bar for all those who follow them at the Summer Math and Science Healthcare (SMASH) Academy. They attained the highest increase in their pre and post-test scores in the history of the academy, an astounding 47 percent. SMASH […]

Public Health Institute takes form in NM

Saturday, June 3, 2017; Silver City, NM: New Mexico joins the ranks of 33 other states by establishing a Public Health Institute. With its headquarters in Silver City, the New Mexico Public Health Institute (NewMexPHI) plans to unify the efforts of nonprofit organizations, government, public and private sectors, hospitals, schools and communities to create more […]

Workshop offers tools for successful meetings

Silver City, NM; Friday, May 12, 2017: Building consensus with a room full of people with diverse backgrounds and conflicting agendas can be tricky. Meeting facilitators are challenge to give everyone a chance to speak, and feeling comfortable to do so, while making headway through an agenda. To accomplish this feat, facilitators need a repertoire […]

FORWARD NM offers summer youth academies

Wednesday May 17, 2017; Silver City, NM:  Area teens and college students intending on pursuing careers in health care can benefit from the summer academies being offered by FORWARD NM.  Currently opportunities open to sign up for Summer Math and Science Healthcare (SMASH) and Health Careers Academy (HCA).  Application deadlines have been extended at both […]

Dream Makers celebrate graduation

April 28, 2017, Deming, NM:  Dream Makers Club members and their families packed Deming’s Red Mountain Middle School cafeteria last week to celebrate the students’ year of exploring the diversity of health care careers. Over 30 middle school students from Grant and Luna Counties participated in the clubs, which fosters students’ interest in the health […]

CHI Associate Director recognized as Community Star

November 17, 2016; Silver City, NM:  The spotlight of National Rural Health Day shined brightly on Silver City, as long time nonprofit leader Susan Wilger was selected as a “Community Star” by the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH), which sponsors the national observance day. According to NOSORH’s website, “community stars” have […]

Health Education Centers promote rural practice in primary care

A new project report from Rural and Remote Health Journal , by JD Taylor and SE Goletz, found that health education centers (AHEC) promote interest in rural practice in medical students. CHI hosts the regional AHEC in southern New Mexico, part of our efforts to promote health education in rural communities. Read the abstract and conclusion […]